Thursday, April 18, 2013

Apple iOS vs Android

Apple iOS or Android. Which software reigns supreme over the other? Well let's make a quick comparison.

App Market: Apple iOS
The winner for this tier is apples iOS hands down. The app market for google play is rather thin and they do not respect user privacy by giving unnecessary information from people who install the app to the app makers like name and location. Do the research! Please comment if you found out this was a lie I would love to hear you prove me wrong! Plus popular apps like clash of clans and last stand are not even supported on googles play store. Although googles AppStore is very likely to improve in the future they still have some work to do.

Interface: Tie
Androids interface is simple and some what user friendly. Although you may have to use the users manual to figure out certain stuff. Apples interface has been the same for years and everybody is used to it. It's so simple a 3 yr old could easily navigate through it. So I decided it was a tie because I do not think one dominates the other when it comes to interface.

Customization: Android
Now android is quite savvy to have the SIM card and USB port option on there. Many people have gone with Android products just for this feature. Also the option to download files from the web and save it as a PDF is a huge plus too. Because of these features business men can instantly share there projects just by plugging in their USB to their tablet and instantly give a presentation or share a video. Best of all they do not need Internet! I'm not saying iOS isn't customizable. It's just not as customizable as Android.

Overall: Tie
It's really in the eye of the beholder. Some people would prefer Andriod because of the features iOS lacks. Or some people would prefer easy interface and the best app market. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. The best way to find out which is best for you is to experiance and compare the two.

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